Review the owner of the bike Suzuki Bandit GSF-250 (1991)

    Motorcycles, as you know, even in my price range very much. The criteria for selection were, first of all: price, engine size and weight - at my weight of 55 kg to acquire something heavy, mean automatic transfer of the vehicle in real estate, and the lack of easily damaged plastic. The abundance of fairings for sports motorcycles have long caused me fits of inexplicable fear, formed a wild associative close - inclined to bite lids fit the tank, his head under the cowl, the constant emphasis lying on the handlebars, bald tires, a mad inclination to turn ... No, I'm not an athlete. Choppers have been rejected because of their unsuitability to the original motion in cluttered traffic of the city. The choice fell on the "Street". Stripped, elegant, inexpensive, small, crafty and evil - that can be described as acquired my Suzuki Bandit 250 1991 year of birth. We met quickly: skim the surface of the motorcycle inspected, I provernuli key in the ignition and gently poked the starter button.
Motorcycle promising rumbled. By habit, I touched the baby the throttle and immediately went into a light stupor - all 40 stated in the passport horsepower drastically gone mad and made a sound like singing saws, immersed in a powerful range of prehistoric reptile. Romantic, is not it? Immediately next to the motorcycle, a small crowd of people. Sitting on the bike, I noted with pleasure that the landing is very comfortable, and even, in some way, ergonomic grip has a very mild stroke, with a sharp pad pressed firmly grasp the lever drive, all the sound and lights are functioning, and the fork and rear suspension myagkovataya though, but still working. Let's go!

    My Suzuki Bandit, probably because of the small volume of the cylinders, proved to be somewhat slow at the start, but after the 8000 revolutions alive and quite briskly ahead. The road keeps well, although the throws in the pits and clicks fork. It is terrible to think that it has accumulated over the years of inactivity ... Dismantle - clean - change! But it is worth noting that, despite its venerable age, the unit quite well preserved, and, except consumables and fluids in it, I have not changed anything. I sincerely hope that this is not required, and these expectations are well-founded design assumptions: the bike is technically simple.

 In his first long trip I went with light concerns: What if something breaks? 13 years - still a serious age, though he had a motorcycle, not a dog. So he decided not to go, and waited for the company, more experienced and advanced in the motorcycle business. The company picked up on the mighty BMW - cruiser, with an engine that exceeds my humble more than four times. So we just agreed to not go fast. 100-120 km / h, Suzuki Bandit went absolutely without straining, and with a decent margin on the handle of the gas. However, unscrew it further, I did not, and not just because the speedometer and tachometer, but because of the critical pressure in my digestive tract. But the engine did not even hiccup, and the prisoners therein horsepower behaved absolutely calm, making it clear that there is still room for heroism. I made the feat on a completely straight section in the complete absence of traffic on it, when the track rested against the skyline, and on the sides of ear crop ... turned the knob and dialed 160. And it was something terrible to happen - the bike began to wobble left and right, while maintaining the forward direction of motion. Here I am quite frightened, and instinctively threw gas on the sly.

    At the start, turns typed a bit slow, but at a sufficient loosening the throttle at idle, and a sudden release clutch Suzuki Bandit takes off like crazy. It is impolite to do so with a motorcycle, but his heart - not a stone, and sometimes I let myself like that, and now the health technology is not yet affected. Despite the displacement equal to half the standard beer bottles, this bike is pretty frisky, and without straining, pulling at his two men. However, when climbing long and steep climb with a heavy passenger behind him he may die, which is not surprising - the torque, then it completely child sizes.

    Operate a motorcycle is pretty easy. Suzuki Bandit dutifully wags to the right place (synchronous movements of the fifth point of support rider), which prevents hand fatigue on the road, but in combination with an inclined planting wild strain your abdominal muscles. After a trip of 500 miles of my fledgling muscles went on strike, and four days I was afraid to cough.

    At the moment, Suzuki Bandit is healthy and happy, it replaced all the consumables and very much tired monoshock. A great bike!

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