Peugeot Quark ATV

  ATV ... The people are not indifferent to motorcycles, the term is associated with aggressive and angry conqueror of off-road and all sorts of rally-raids. Well, maybe another assistant workaholic, a friend of the farmer. Always rough, dirty and no aerodynamics. The stereotype imposed on us for years, and Japanese moto. But there is a French company Peugeot, who considers it his duty to put on a home Mondial'e something that can easily break all the stereotypes and the classical view of a vehicle, whether car, motorcycle, or a mix of both.

That's the last motor show in Paris did not give the audience relax, presenting another concept (now no longer BIKE, than the car) Quark, continued the series of vehicles on the fuel cell.

But the first two Peugeot Fuel Cell Taxi and the H2O were cars, we are not particularly interesting, can not be said about the present character of our column. Choosing a layout ATV, the French have shown a fresh interpretation of the four-wheeled vehicle near future. The main goal of the designers was the maximum simplification, miniaturization and ease of maintenance and use of promising sources of energy - the fuel of cells, the introduction of mass production which is not far off. In my view, the choice of motorcycles - a knight's move: First, France is teeming with two-, three-, and more wheel units with proud prefix MOTO, and secondly, the conceptual motorcycles originally not deter the people of their high cost and technological complexity ( while the second factor - rather, an illusion).

The fact that the French automaker is a long time alternative power plants and fuel cells in particular, is known to all. But to date, attempts to develop a French company in the automotive scene. The new development shows that the French are not averse to trying new niches. Here is a four-wheel drive Quark - a machine virtually silent and clean.

So, Peugeot Quark - a child of urbanization. This double off-road, Equipped with as many as four electric motors - one for each 17-inch "wheel" Michelin, the dimension 235/45 with a shell-like tread (useful in the wet). Appearance apparatus is solved in the spirit of automotive brethren. The face of a lion cub is built around (as always, slanting) the head of optics (LED LED) and a huge brand logos, and turned out quite recognizable and consistent. At the same time designers emphasize that this is a futuristic and realistic at the same time the vehicle. The chassis is also the fruit of close collaboration of stylists and engineers who gave an excellent mix of technology and aesthetics, using expensive and lightweight materials: aluminum and carbon fiber. Against the backdrop of the body, which was solved in dark colors - bright and eye-catching piece of red (in both!) Colors - the tank with liquid under pressure from 700 (!) Bar hydrogen.  Red emphasizes the contents of the container - this is a clipping from a corporate press release. And really, if you're not far from the chemistry, you can easily imagine what would happen if depressurization of the 9-l bomb. Moreover, it is installed directly under the seat, which the assurances of people from Peugeot although it has a special coating that retains a passenger is unlikely to help him in an emergency.

What is the risk justified the use of a number of periodic plates for fuel. First and foremost - no CO2 emissions and other harmful substances, poisonous atmosphere is inevitable when using conventional fuels. Plus, quiet, for a total promises to introduce a new quality of life in cities. The principles of operation are very simple and clear: we need oxygen and hydrogen. First we take from the atmosphere, the location of the second above. The combination of the two substances excite an electrochemical reaction that causes the movement of electrons. The result is water, heat and electricity coveted, which feeds the quartet of electric motors, with a total torque of no more - nor less than 400 Nm. (!) Although the capacity of engines only 4x2, 5 kW (4x7 kW theoretical maximum), which, coupled with a mass of 435 kg gives a mediocre dynamic performance: top speed of 110 and 6.5 seconds before ... there are not hundreds, but only 50 km / h By the way, the weight of hydrogen on board the quadra - only 360 grams! That should be enough for 100 - 130 kilometers. At the heart of a power plant NiMH (nickel metal hydride) battery pack consisting of 40 cells (com) and able to give the total voltage 288 volts! This current leads (through converter) to move all four wheels through an electromagnetic field. In the spirit of Moto was chosen and the air cooling system of this economy.

In quarks used a simple and technologically advanced system of replenishment of hydrogen. It's called plug drive (hooked up and went!), The method provides for the replacement of an empty flask banal with H2 to the new - complete.

From the technical specialties is increased interest in the combined braking system, as it were twofold: Hydraulics is a familiar, but there is specific for the lions Electric - too simple as a nut. When slowing electric motors function as generators, producing a current, thus slowing down to provide 0,3 g. This fact is extremely useful in a ragged rhythm of urban driving.

Of the useful bells and whistles can not mention such a useful thing as a removable mobile interface is a set that includes such essential in the near future, things like the speedometer, starter, a mobile phone with Bluetooth, MP3 player, navigation system and personal organizer for a snack!

Here's a he, the world's first H2 - a series of Peugeot Quark - a symbol of freedom, modern  expressing a philosophy of technological simplicity of French engineers.

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