Honda Pan European and Yamaha FJR 1300

Sooner or later, all that is stranded on two wheels, comes to the image of a bike. Uncompromising love bright and distinctive machine, whether it's slow, but it chopper or fast, but functions sportbike.

Those who like the combination of different qualities in a bike, even if a compromise, does not tend to be less bright, but still more comfortable vehicles. For example, such as the heroes of our test: Yamaha FJR and Honda Pan European 2003 model year.

Both bikes are beautiful, but ... each in its own way.
The first thing that caught my eye when the two became close moto, was an impressive difference in their architecture.
Honda and lean as a setter dog, Yamaha. Wide and ABS, two side and one from the upper trunk against the Pan European small (though still regulated) peak and the total lack of wardrobe trunks and ABS. Of course, we did not specifically picked up so differently-equipped bikes, but their silhouettes unwittingly underscored the nature of each of them, although it was - a little later.

On the day of the test right from the morning rain loaded. It would seem, should cancel the event, but no such luck! The owner of FJR is traveling to the venue, overcoming 280 miles of wet, and before our trip to Munich was still not enough time.

Despite the fact that both cars and on their type, and the volume of the engine, and just the size of my classmates are, it's still two different apparatus. And this point is evident at once, one has only to look at them, standing side by side. Location pegs, steering wheel and the type of landing on a Yamaha once said that a device with a sporty and more radical character. Pan European also - the device with a direct trip more relaxed and more comfortable, and showed that a subsequent test. Although the test was carried out in the rain, the mood was militant, and sputum asphalt acted as a litmus test, and clearly showed the pros and cons of both bikes.

At first it may be, and wanted the weather was better, the sun was shining and the pavement was dry, but ... When we started the ride, we realized that this is the weather, which will maximize all the opportunities, as well as the pros and cons of both machines. Shift into gear. The sound is very different from one another. One of them - four, liquid-cooled cylinders, and the second - also four, but with a V-shaped arrangement of the cylinders. Low motor tone  FJR being forced to take action, and quiet rustling dropsy sets the mood for a peaceful and quiet journey. Go!

Provocatively longitudinally arranged V-tvin, Pan European goes to fly on a single (so far) Autobahn. She is doing a soft, smooth and very clear: the clutch lever, throttle control, the response of the motor on its turn. Unscrewing this cylindrical piece, you get confident, but calm, smooth and picked up the acceleration. Transfer switch is very smooth, the process is almost inaudible, as it happens by itself. All steps clearly recorded, each in his place, and - no false positives or additional foot movements. All the predictable and clear. The shorter first and second and longer remaining three stages - there is clearly a tourist setting checkpoints.

Yamaha V switch is also quite clear, but much more dramatic and characteristic brand click that, coupled with the convergence of a number of pilot gets CPR immediately, literally from the first transmission. And although they are included is not so clear as in the Honda, this too is a positive thing, talking about that portion of the sport, which has the bike. Moreover, if the'' Pan'' switch can be made without soaking the clutch lever and down and up, FJR box when you turn on lowering levels requires movement of the fingers of his left hand. Tough, but long-stroke Yamaha clutch when starting may play a cruel joke is not very experienced pilot. When starting Moto, could get stuck, or vice versa, take off, as if stung. One hundred and forty with a little locusts Yamaha motor and strive to stand on its hind legs, so the clutch and throttle when starting and switching must be handled carefully. The same goes for a ride in cornering on slippery roads or during unscrewing the handle for 1-2 programs. It's easy to break into the rear wheel slippage or tear of the road front.

Under the roar of the powerful motor quietly reached milestone of 200 km. Despite the fact that the water on the pavement, the device behaves amazingly stable on the line and very good in the corners. But in the tight turns still need to be extremely careful not to break the rear wheel to slip. More than 250 km / h on a Yamaha on the wet asphalt nobody dared to be dispersed, but the Honda has worked speed limiter. No, that's not what you're thinking, no cutoff when the tachometer needle red zone was not. An entirely different matter. At speeds of 180 to 200 km / h on a completely flat, straight, even if the asphalt bike started. And the closer the arrow to the figure 200 transverse vibrations have reached alarming magnitude. This was the natural speed limiter. Yes, you could change your rear shock, pinch it harder, but still ... It ''tourist'', and on a straight road on absolutely smooth pavement even with a comfortable rear suspension settings, its behavior should not be so dangerous. Yamaha is easily reached speeds of 230 km / h (with passenger) and stably holding the line at that speed. The most significant drawback is the lack of good FJR windshield. If the Pan European direct and almost crouching, reaching dvuhsotkilometrovogo abroad, on the FJR at this rate accounts for almost lie. For the same, to reach the mark of'' 250'', to be completely spread on the tank and try to hide behind the small windscreen visor. In this case no pleasure from the process of governance is no longer receive. But ... to each his own! Nature of the sport - the sport landing! Nature tourism - tourist landing. What else is different, these two would seem to be like a motorcycle? Yes, in general, everything. For example, the brakes. Honda has a so-called integrated ABS. What does this mean? When you click on the front brake trigger both the brake mechanism, and, if necessary, starts working ABS. On a wet road is to be seen clearly: no failures in the skid, takes no front wheel, that is, the complete absence of phenomena. At Yamaha FJR 1300 - quite the opposite ratio. It was no ABS and careless handling of the front brake caused a momentary lock the front wheel, and, accordingly, the failure of it to skid. The same can be said about the rear brake. But if we consider the accuracy of the brake to lock the wheels, the brake Yamaha show their best side. That, however, it is not surprising. The front brakes arrangements made by Yamaha R1!    

If we talk about the handling of these bikes, we can say that the Yamaha frame is much stiffer, and it is noticeable when taxiing at large as well as at low speeds. All reactions in cornering is absolutely unambiguous and clear. It does not matter - you are laying the bike into a turn or displays it on the line. The Honda there is some blurring of these reactions, that is, they are not so clear, especially when taxiing at low speeds. And if the bike comes with a passenger load, the above phenomena are manifested even more clearly, given the load. Manage Honda's low speed with a passenger, for example, in traffic, will be hard. But at a set rate this disappears. Yamaha, with sport bikes features, saves the entire range of motion - from start to maximum speed. That she did not stop, so it's a good windscreen, but it is a matter of tuning and desires of the owner.

So, really you can do the first conclusion: Pan European - it's a solid, mid-sized tourist, intended for quiet (with a cruising speed of 150 km / h) to overcome the great distances alone, the passenger will feel very comfortable there. We specifically asked to play the role of our passengers browser Denis, who estimated his feelings on both bikes. I also had to go in this role at the Honda Pan European, and even I, with my height and complexion was satisfied.

At Yamaha FJR 1300 for passenger comfort does not have to say: a narrow seat, landing is very high, with pursed his knees, his position is somewhat higher than that of the driver, and if that passenger will be above average growth, the first flow of wind will be getting full because he had nowhere to hide. Therefore, the relative comfort of the passenger can speak only if the growth driver of growth will be significantly more passengers.

The conclusion after this second-test is as follows:

These two motorcycles are not competitors, as appropriate for different consumers. Fans of sports style of driving will select Yamaha FJR 1300, as a machine, suitable for long-distance movements, and short commuter. In doing so they will feel completely at ease. Honda Pan European - Tourist in its purest form, full of great long-distance travel alone and completely devoid of sporting ambitions.

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