ATV Yamaha YFM 350 Raptor

Device for relieving stress.
Life, hold on ... showering burning dump, caressed in the bus, the dog pulled the boss to hang himself ...? It seems like life. Relieve stress? But how? In each nation the recipe: the Japanese, because of the mad rhythm of life and just did an unnatural diligence, unbeknown to his colleagues stuffed bash bosses, Germans, Czechs and Austrians - are filled with beer. But we're not Japanese! Alcoholism, multiplied by the hysteria - the lot of wimps, never smelled the exhaust-stroke engine. It has been decided - it's time to take your shoes off the floor and back on a soft couch watching ATV ... going to the pampas, to sand, water ... in short, out of town!

Smart people have come up with motorcycles, careful people has attached to them a couple of wheels and gave to all ATVs. However, the collective human mind (in the sense of community) sees this technique as a purely utilitarian: a walk-behind tractor with a plow at a price of a used car often does not fall under any of the known categories of vehicles in the SDA. The fact that this view is fundamentally flawed ATVs, Yamaha has decided to show the example of a 350-cubic new 2005 model year - the evil sports Yamaha YFM 350R Raptor.

This is beginning to understand when you see the ATV in the first time: an evil squint range, only a kind of cowl, which resembles a prehistoric lizard armor and claws front wings - nothing to do with a calm aspen design of two-wheeled brethren not yet in sight. Instead - naked aggression of this sports vehicle, clearly giving to understand that the car has character. The absence of any devices - this impression is only strengthened. There are, however, the neutral indicator lights and reverse, but on a bright sunny day, you will not see their testimony. And it does not matter, it is much more interested in constructive this miracle of technology. Serves as the foundation of all steel tubular frame, which carries the air vent 300 cc four. Engine, frankly, quite unusual for the ATV, especially in light of all manufacturers fever swept capacity cubing. For this reason, like a rival offhand and did not remember. The engine is securely protected by a powerful bottom steel plate, with six-speed gearbox is docked with the ability to turn backwards. All kinds of ATV, and the mass of its host called Suspension: independent on dual A-arm front and sensitive, with a mono-shock absorber at the rear. It's time to perch on quadrics and get used to the controls. They are very simple and does not require getting used to. The only thing that is at odds with conventional notions - is trigger thumb to control the gas. Initially, this decision has caused some confusion, but after the orgy on the Cross the road confirmed the correctness of the choice of designers. Another surprise - the parking brake lever. It seems that this is a good tradition Yamaha: to equip vehicles similar device (take, for instance, scooter Majesty).

Easy push button electric starter motor awakens to life, notifying about district muffled sound terrible. With the click of a light switch on first gear and start to move. Clutch grabs at the end of the turn lever, so that you can with him is not particularly cautious. You can not say about the trigger of gas - a rather unceremonious push quadrics said a powerful head start, immediately warned its explosive nature. Looking ahead, I will say that the Yamaha YFM 350R is always opinion and one of your desire to perform any maneuver is not enough.

Get to the place of testing had his way, despite the almost complete inability to move cars on public roads. Rear-view mirrors and turn signals are absent, in principle, but it's not so bad. The main share in the extreme mobility of the urban jungle are making high profile low-pressure tires with an impressive lugs. Thanks to them at high speed quad begins to baptize seeks to heal the back of his own life. Drive to the rear axle is also strongly contributes. In the corners have to actively download the inner side, in order to resist the bends sharply tires and avoid agonizing and painful consequences. The speed with all this ugliness, judging by the passing vehicles, hovering around 100 - 110 km / h. Despite all of the above nuances, you are guaranteed to everyone's attention, (after all, is not a city car - do not make fun of themselves, rubber and fellow travelers!)

For clarifying the relationship with the ATV quietly passed a half-hour, and behold, we are already in place. Yes, the abandoned kross-track - the right place! Now we will talk differently. First gear, generously open gas - and quadrics just shoots forward. Power granted by a single cylinder ATV, more than enough to simply catapult a relatively easy (170 kg dry mass) of the device, and you along with him. The first three gears are very short, so I have to work actively foot switch. In response to the machine you are speeding, it is not bothered about the cover: any bumps and holes are simply ignored suspension, and only it is very free treatment of gas in the deep sand can cause the ATV to fold - rear-wheel drive, sir. The worse the surface, the better. That's off-road racer into a refractory reliable companion (though a close friend, he will not be - better to keep the wheel kross wide grip, and then there are surprises.) And jumps - this is generally a song. If he had wings, would fly quadrics exactly! Stop Flight to help two disc brakes front and a rear disc brake. And they upset the car immediately and with any speed. At the same time is better still to use the rear brake - front is so tenacious that the short-lived.

After a couple of hours in the Ramp and jumps, the body asked for a timeout. ATV is not at all uneasy - despite the heat and harsh operation there was no hint of overheating of the air vent. Thank Yamaha moto. Once again thank for Japanese engineers tucked away in a pocket under the seat tools. Especially liked the amusing for tire pressure monitoring.

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