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ALL DEATH TO SPITE - Tazio Nuvolari
MAntOvani Volante - The Flying mantuets. It's about Tazio Nuvolari, which, as in any present Italians, combining a truly epic courage, peace more than a passion for technology and the ability to walk a fine line between life and death on the road to victory.
May 16, 1926 in pitch mist hung over the German Zolitude borough, it was difficult to discern the contours of your own car, not to mention the contours of the road. Hazardous cabinets and telephone poles like yourself popped toward racing motorcycles. My nerves could not stand, one after the other riders refused to fight.
But ''Blue Arrow'' (so-called BIANCHI) Italian driver Tazio Nuvolari continued competition. A few laps to go bold mantuanets led the race, but treacherously slippery cobblestone section of road did the dirty deed. The car jerked, led, and a steel horse with his rider raced towards inevitable destruction. Read in German newspapers reported that the Nuvolari hardly live through the night, the plant management BIANCHI, wearing mourning clothes, went to the funeral of his pilot in Zolitude. Imagine their surprise when, on the Italian border, they accidentally collided head to head with ... invincible Tazio, who escaped from the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a concussion and multiple fractures in the bones, was sent to Ravenna. Six days later there was to be held next stage of the Championship. May 23 Nuvolari disgraced German correspondents, setting the seventh fastest time in terms of race.
In the 20 years of motorcycle racing considered the lot of crazy fanatics! Imperfect, but a very fast technique was difficult to control in the broken country roads, involving competition. Mortal danger were fraught with poles and trees, bumps and ruts, bordering the so-called road.
It needed not only courage and bravery. Only a superhuman self-confidence and unwavering belief in success allowed these people again and again to go to a duel with death. That such a man was the legendary Italian driver Tazio Nuvolari.
Birthplace of the hero of a nation in northern Italy in the town Kasteldario November 18, 1892. The name of the boy gave a strange - Tazio, he came up with Uncle Giuseppe. Giuseppe Nuvolari, Italian champion in cycling, has had an enormous impact on the orderly and impressionable nephew. When the six-year Tazio went to school, his uncle gave him a bicycle, and in fact in those days, two-wheeled car was a rarity. Six years later, Giuseppe, while already working in the firm's representation BIANCHI, nephew drove to a nearby town to see the local competition in auto racing. In the same year he first sat in the saddle Tazio motorcycle. These events made a lasting impression on the teenager. But it was as much as 15 years before Tazio began to seriously pursue motorcycling. June 20, 1920 Nuvolari, Jr. first came to the start behind the wheel of the motorcycle FONGRI
Talent instantly revealed! Courage on the line, daring to the point of recklessness, the ease and naturalness with which he defied the laws of physics at every turn, one characteristic of his demeanor in the saddle, gave the impression that he and the bike can not be separated from each other. His breathtaking stunts caused delight and admiration of thousands of spectators press. ''He was waiting for a great future!'' - Wrote a popular magazine ''Motociclismo'' and was not mistaken. His successful leadership of the famous speech said while the team and invited BIANCHI Tazio under its banner. In 1924, Tazio Nuvolari became the champion of Italy. The audience roared with delight when meeting his idol, challenging death. He was called ''Chempionissimo'' in newspapers now and then appeared a truly blood-curdling stories. Here are just a few of them.
In 1925. Just a week before the Grand Prix of Nations, which was held in Monza, Nuvolari was in a severe accident. A few broken ribs and fractures to both legs threatened to withdraw from the Italian system for at least a couple of months. But let such a beloved countrymen race Nuvolari could not. Early Sunday morning, the fearless "Chempionissimo" appeared before the public in a strange way. Swaddled like a mummy, with plaster bandages on both legs, he was literally tied to the motorcycle. Absolutely no racing camo did not prevent the masterly rider to win the race in the class "350", showing the speed is higher than that of the more powerful riders pyatisotok''''. However, the mechanics had to hold it Nuvolari at the start and caught at the finish.
1926, Ravenna. On the 11th lap, trying to avoid a collision with an opponent has lost control, Nuvolari touches a stone fence the wheel of his bike and breaks with the fourth finger of the hand. Stopping to refuel, doused with gasoline Tazio bleeding wound, and bandaged it does not even hang out on the skin of one finger, once again rushed to the track. Unfortunately, some circles after the race was over for the Nuvolari: favorite of the audience fainted from blood loss.
In the same year, in Padua, Nuvolari irresistibly reduced the distance to the leader of the race, when the stone, taking off from the wheel of the motorcycle opponent, hit him straight in the eye. Blind and shell-shocked rider, exhausted from the pain, still managed to bring the car to the boxes, but the injury almost put an end to a brilliant career of Italian.
In 1927. In Livorno, where during the race on a motorcycle Nuvolari rope broke gas, Tazio continued to race, driving a car with one hand while the other managed the throttle. Acrobatic riding over the fall and the strongest arm injury. However, after a week there, in Livorno, wearing a special corset, he finished fourth!
Endless incidents that occurred to him on the road, from which he emerged each time with increasing undaunted, created around him an aura of immortality. Once in hospital with multiple fractures, he heroically endured any pain, and thought only about how to get back to racing. It was only his devoted wife, Caroline Nuvolari, invariably accompanied her husband to all corners of the world, knew what he was shouting sleepless nights of pain in the fractured limb.
For 10 years, from 1920 to 1930 the legendary mantuets won 40 races out of 125, three times won the European championships, set three international records. But this fearless man was little risk of death at the wheel of the motorcycle, and 38-year-old Nuvolari moved from two wheels to four. His undeniable talent brought a lot of glorious victories legendary teams such as ALFA ROMEO, AUTO UNION, FERRARI and MAZERATI, but it has been written about this a lot. Our study also relates to a two-wheeled victories Nuvolari.
It seemed as if death had no power over a fearless rider, but it's cruel revenge for his impotence. In 1937, Nuvolari had lost his eldest son, who was only 18 years old, 9 years and younger died. Perhaps, then Tazio, meeting was to leave the race started deliberately seek death. Another five seasons he fought with the young pilots, won, lost, but never give up!
Death has not been able to keep up with Nuvolari at the track, she found him weak and sick in bed for a comfortable old house in Mantua, at the dawn of August 11, 1953. More than 50 people came to pay last respects to the illustrious rider. On a monument to his compatriot inhabitants of Mantua wrote: ''the last of the great pilots. The first of the modern.''
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